Friday, May 15, 2015

The Quarter Life Crisis

The quarter life crisis is the realization that you are 2 years into "adulthood" and you have no idea where this adulthood starts or where it leads to. Without a starting point, nor a finish line, how do you know where to go and how to get there?? At 20, I don't know what I want to do with my life aside from living comfortably and not being miserable at a sad desolate cubical for the rest of my life.


The impact that it has and why it's important is because it is a personalized blackhole of sadness that exists not that far from your own happy universe waiting for every moment of vulnerability to strike.
Whenever you left your guard down, that black hole's gravitational pull of destruction comes at you and gets you. My quarter life crisis' favourite time to be active is around 1am which is (coincidentally) the time I'm writing this post.

I used to think that the best way to handle the black hole is to let it run it's course, or use it's destructive energy to motivate myself to do better in a really zen TaiChi kind of way. I learned this from Naruto to redirect the flow of Chi in to better outputs.

But as I go through the years using this... Powerful method, it's starting to lose it's effect on me, the same way drugs lose its effect after a continued, habitual use. In a certain perspective, the motivational capabilities of "failure" is kind of similar to drugs: temporary, powerful, and addictive.
So I'm trying to find a more sustainable method of being motivated and focussed which is why I'm trying to invest myself into everything this summer: job, fitness, happiness... In order to find myself.

This is getting really cheesy, so here:

♚ Cindy

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